
Skin Tight
10 DEC 2015

Wrinkle Crinkle Crevice Crease - Will These Wrinkles Ever Cease

When patients don’t want invasive surgery or injections but do want skin smoothing, just what are the options available today?

The Pelléve Wrinkle Reduction System is one treatment that offers skin smoothing and tightening through heat via advanced Radio Frequency technology. Its a new and highly effective way to refresh your appearance and tighten loose skin, without the need for needles or surgery, safely treating facial wrinkles and loose skin with virtually no pain, no anaesthetic and no downtime

A wand is passed over the skin creating heat, the thermal process passes through the skin and this creates contraction, stimulating repair and rebuilding elasticity by producing more collagen and elastin and its this process that tightens the skin making it look and feel firmer.

Posted by: Aesthetika
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