3 Steps to Safety

3 Steps to Safety

If you are considering any cosmetic procedure follow Aesthetika’s 3 Steps-to-Safety guidance.


  • Find out as much information as you can about the procedure
  • Do your research and homework, read the literature, search the internet, look at before and after photos and talk to those who have had the treatment. Visit the Clinic before booking a Consultation a second rate establishment can hide behind a very glossy looking website.
  • Ensure that you know what all the other treatment options are.
  • Talk about it. Visit your GP and ask advice, discuss your intentions with friends and family, don’t keep it a secret.
  • Know the risks, what are the side effects these can be good and bad, know all the possible complications and contraindications to treatment.
  • What special precautions, if any, do you need to take before and after the treatment. Read and know the Terms and Conditions.
  • Examine the cost implications some treatments may require a lifetime of maintenance and explore all the available methods of payment


  • Make sure that you visit an experienced Doctor, Dentist or Nurse.
  • Check that the Doctors and Nurses who are providing you with treatment are Registered with their Professional Bodies. General Medical Council (GMC) for Doctors and the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) for Nurses and its the General Dental Council (GDC) for Dentists
  • Ensure that the establishment you choose can competently provide the treatment and that they can assist you, should things go wrong
  • Doctors, Dentists and Nurses are the only people who should be giving you injections, ask who you will be seeing and what their qualifications are
  • A reputable clinic will expect that you have done your research
  • Take a friend or family member along with you


  • Regulation within the Cosmetic Sector is currently under Parliamentary Review, and Sir Bruce Keogh’s extensive report published in April 2013 highlighted the lack of regulation. Until we have appropriate regulation in place we would advise that you do as much research as you can and due to the lack of mandatory regulation, then go with your feelings about the establishment, dont be afraid to walk out after you walk in and it just doesn’t feel right.
  • Always compare, shop around and visit other clinics
  • And if you are not sure then WAIT, there is never a 999 Emergency for an elective treatment

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