Patient Charter

Patient Charter

AESTHETIKA Clinic Sheffield acted following the 2013 Keogh Review into Cosmetic Interventions and the subsequent response from the Government into Cosmetic Services, following the PIP breast implant scandal. There have been some truly shocking reports of very grubby practice by some private surgical providers, where patients were consulted for surgery by sales teams and some patients never saw a Surgeon until the day of the operation, we think that was very wrong and can reassure you that this has never happened at Aesthetika.

Any patient who is considering an operation here with us at AESTHETiKA will see and consult with their surgeon and will have a minimum of 2 Consultations. If we are proceeding on to an operation, we may also suggest that more than 2 consultations are required in some cases. AESTHETIKA don’t have incentivised sales teams who are on commission and neither are we driven by targets, you will be seen and advised only by your GMC Specialist Surgeon and NMC Registered Nurses.

A Consultation will usually take around 45 minutes of your time, this is your opportunity to discuss Face To Face with your surgeon what your particular issue or need is. We are here to inform you of the options that are available to you, the risks and complications of the procedure and sometimes we will advise that surgery may not in your best interest at this time, we will never judge you and you can be assured of confidentiality.

The consultation fee is £125-£150 (this depends which surgeon you see) and once you have paid the initial Fee you do not have to pay each time you attend.

We announced a ‘Patient Charter’ in June 2013 for all patients considering surgery with us

Our Promise to you

AESTHETIKA want you to be assured that we comply with Best Practice Principles and all consultations are part of a ‘consenting process’ should you eventually proceed onto having an operation.


  • 1. Should you decide to choose AESTHETiKA for your surgery the ‘Surgical Consultation’ is the start of a process on your Surgical Pathway and you may require more than 2 Consultations.
  • 2. You will see an experienced FRCS Surgeon on Consultation, who is on the GMC Specialist Register for Surgery and who practices that particular specialty within the NHS as a Full Time Consultant Surgeon.
  • 3. You will be informed of all your options, the risks and the complications of the operation and this information will be discussed with you Face-to-Face by your operating Surgeon.
  • 4. You will be given clear written information and have an opportunity to ask questions and have them answered and you will be given a ‘cooling off period’.


AESTHETIKA TEAM September 2016

You can find information on any Surgeon and his or her surgical speciality here Registered Surgical Speciality

Visit this link and check that your Doctor or Surgeon is registered to practice in the UK GMC List of Registered Medical Practitioners

Reviewed 09/2016

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