Neck Lift in Sheffield

Neck Lift in Sheffield

A Platysmaplasty is more commonly known as a ‘Neck Lift’. Cosmetic Surgery to the neck can ‘turn back time’ by reducing the appearance of sagging skin, lines and wrinkles.


A Neck Lift can produce a crisper, fresher more youthful look to the neck and jaw line in both men and women.


There are many different procedures that can be done to achieve a Neck Lift. A surgical lift should be performed by a specialist surgeon who will discuss your expectations along with the options, risks and complications of the surgery with you at length. Surgery produces a permanent change and will result in scars, however as time goes by the appearance of the neck will continue to change as the decades go by.



Neck Lift will require repeating approximately every ten years or more to keep the results looking fresh. Maintenance is essential after surgery and this could be achieved using rejuvenating cosmetic injections, peels and a good skin care regime. The single most important issue is to protect the neck and décolletage from the suns harsh rays, so sunscreen is an essential. There is no doubt that a combined Neck and Face Lift, that is done well by an experienced surgeon can enhance facial appearance.

All surgery comes with risk, ensure you know what those risks are.

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