Welcome to the Sheffield Skin Tightening Clinic

Welcome to the Sheffield Skin Tightening Clinic

What is Pellevé ® Radio Frequency?

Radio Frequency is an effective treatment used to reduce facial wrinkles with the use of heat. If you’re wondering how you can refresh your appearance without surgery, needles and harsh peels Pellevé Wrinkle Reduction System RF may be right for you. Pellevé can safely and effectively treat facial skin wrinkles with virtually no pain and no downtime, patients who have had Pellevé treatment say it feels like a warm facial massage.

How does Radio Frequency with Pellevé ® work?

Pellevé delivers constant, gradual radio frequency RF energy deeply into the skin, heat builds up where the skin and fat layer meet. The increasing heat modifies collagen bundles deep in the skin, causing contraction and this stimulates the growth of new collagen over time. The result is firmer and tighter, younger looking skin.

Is Pellevé ® Radio Frequency permanent?


Maintenance treatments are required.

R box

adio Frequency (RF) has been available and used in the NHS for about 75 years.

We are usually advising to plan ahead with treatments, but not so with Pellevé ® this is one treatments that we say you can ‘Have On The Day’ of that special occasion.T the results are immediate and maintained. Studies show skin changes still present at 3 months post one treatment.

Courses of 3 or 5 sessions are advised for the best results.

Cost - Radio Frequency with Pelleve price starts at £399

Our Opinion
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Professional, friendly and more importantly excellent service with fabulous results

SR - NOTTS - Dec 2020
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