Thread Vein Removal in Sheffield

Thread Vein Removal in Sheffield

What is a Thread Vein Removal treatment?

Thread Veins ( Telengectasia ) can be treated using Lasers or Injections . Also known as ‘spider veins’, thread veins are very small blood vessels underneath the skin which can appear almost anywhere on the body and can look unsightly.

How does a Thread Vein Removal treatment work?

Unsightly red, purple or bluish veins on face or body are either injected with a special solution and this is known as Sclerotherapy. These injections cause the veins to shrink away. Thread Veins can also be sealed using a special Laser, it is possible that you may require a combination of both injection and lasers treatment. There are many reasons why we develop Thread Veins and we will discuss prevention measures and tailor a treatment that is suited to your type of thread veins this will be discussed with you when you attend for a Consultation at the Sheffield Clinic.

Is a Thread Vein Removal treatment permanent?

We usually say that the results of a Thread Vein Removal treatment can last from 2 to 10 years. More than one treatment may be advised and maintenance treatments will give the best results.

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his treatment can really improve the appearance of thread veins on both the face or body. The procedure is performed by one of AESTHETiKA’S Healthcare Professionals and the results for Thread Vein Removal are excellent. Prices start from £250 Please remember that all treatments incur a level of risk.

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